HackTheBox: news, VIP and VIP+ version


One of the first posts on this website was an introduction to the platform that has been with me since the beginning of my hacking career. It is HackTheBox, a pentesting platform where thousands of intrepid hackers race trying to take control of as many machines as possible. It’s been more than two years since … Read more

CTF: Game of Thrones

CTF: Game of Thrones

In this post I am going to make a proof of concept about how to make a CTF of a machine. This post is going to be longer than the rest, because the CTF is long and I have preferred to put it all together in one post instead of publishing several and to be … Read more

Introduction to Hack The Box

Introduction to Hack The Box

CTF (Capture The Flag) events are becoming increasingly popular in the IT world. Every week there are meetings where computer security lovers meet to demonstrate their hacking skills.  And the way hackers are trained for these events are the CTF labs, websites where you can find hundreds of challenges of different categories: web, pwn, steganography, … Read more